Show HN: Vibebox: Your Inbox and Vibes

  • Posted 2 weeks ago by ashryan
  • 5 points
Hi HN! I'm here to share Vibebox (, a little toy app I built to sprinkle joy across your inbox with friendly animal avatars and messages that transform mundane emails into warm, joyful reads.

About Vibebox

- Transforms your emails with playful visuals and warm messages.

- Aims to reduce stress associated with email management.

- Promotes positivity within your daily routine.

I'd love your feedback!

Is this something you'd actually use if it were built out? I'm convinced it's a fun toy app, but a few early beta testers have said it's turning into their favorite way to read email because it actually reduces the emotional impact of opening their inbox.

Inspiration: As you can imagine, Vibebox uses LLMs behind the scenes to vibe-ify your emails. If you're curious about how it works, I gave a talk on an early iteration of Vibebox called "AI for mere mortal web developers" at Austin API Summit last month.

- Video:

- Repo: