Show HN: iceoryx2 v0.3.0 released – zero-copy IPC middleware in Rust

  • Posted 2 weeks ago by elfenpiff
  • 3 points
Today, we released iceoryx2 v0.3.0. It comes with some cool new features, bug fixes, and additional examples; see this here

Have a lot of fun with it.

For those of you who do not know iceoryx yet, it is a library written in Rust that makes platform-agnostic inter-process communication as easy and fast as possible using zero-copy techniques. It runs on Linux, Windows, macOS, and FreeBSD (x64, aarch64) but not yet on a toaster ;).

You can check out our roadmap here:

To summarize our work for Q2.2024, we want to add a C binding and introduce decentralized resource monitoring so that the resources of crashed applications no longer need to be cleaned up manually.

We are always happy to receive feedback. So, if we forgot an important feature or you want to see something reprioritized - don't hesitate and get in touch with us.