Show HN: Stop sending files to sketchy servers and convert any file offline

  • Posted 1 month ago by jakemanger
  • 17 points
Hey HN! I made How to Convert. Here's the problem I had and the solution I thought of:


When you search "How to convert PNG to ICO" on Google, you get a bunch of shady looking "free" results that send your data to unknown servers. The same is true for almost any conversion you are trying to do.

So what do I want? I want something I can trust completely. AKA locally running, doesn't send my files or data anywhere and built by an independent developer building in public.


How to Convert

Privacy-first: Files stay on your device and it works offline.

Wide compatibility: Works with nearly any file type in an all-in-one app. If your file type is not yet supported, submit an issue to get it added!

Unlimited use: One purchase, infinite access.

Runs anywhere: Runs on Mac, Windows, Linux or the Web.

